We are ZSE Energia
About us
ZSE Energia, a.s. is one of the biggest gas and electricity suppliers in Slovakia Our company has been present mainly in the Western Slovakia for more than 100 years, but we provide our quality services also outside this region. Every day, more than a million customers rely on us.
Our history
On 1 July 2007, due to the liberalisation of the energy market, ZSE Energia, a.s. became a 100 per cent subsidiary of Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. The spin-off was due to applicable Slovak and EU laws under Act No. 251/2012 Z.z. on Energy. Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. is part of the German energy Group E.ON, who is a 49 per cent shareholder of the company. The Slovak Republic is a 51 per cent shareholder via the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. In 2011, ZSE Energia, a.s. was also granted a licence for gas supplies.
Board of Directors

Supervisory Board
Shareholders Overview
As of Dec. 31, 2023 | Absolute value in EUR | Share in Registered Capital | Voting Rights |
Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. | 6 638 784 | 100 % | 100 % |
Annual Report
Annual Report of ZSE Energia, a.s.
System of Integrated management
In its activities, ZSE Energia, a.s. observes quality standards related to electricity and gas supplies and all relevant services pursuant to legal regulations, while heeding the first principle of European health, safety & environment policies „Prevention is better than cure“. We have prioritised the preventive management approach in our company.
ZSE Energia, a.s. aims at achieving best possible quality of services provided to both existing, as well as potential new customers and maintain a stable position on the energy market while considering the environment, decreasing negative environmental effects and eliminating work related safety hazards.
For this reason, ZSE Energia, a.s. introduced the system of integrated management (SIM). Compliance with requirements of the standards, legal requirements and requirements of other stakeholders is monitored and confirmed by an independent auditor on a yearly basis.
In ZSE Energia, a. s., SIM comprises of the following three individual management systems:
- Quality management system according to ISO 9001
- Environment management system according to ISO 14001
- Occupational health and safety management system according to ISO 45001
HSE and Quality Policy in ZSE Energia, a. s.
Information on alternative resolution of disputes
Information under Article 14(1) of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes:
Customers, who are consumers can use the RSO platform for an alternative resolution of disputes, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
Contact information
ZSE Energia, a. s.
Čulenova 6
816 47 Bratislava
Mail Address:
ZSE Energia, a.s.
P.O.BOX 325
810 00 Bratislava 1
Customer line for international calls:
+421-(0)37-776 38 80
Visit us:
Emergency hotlines:
ZSE distribution area
+421-(0)800-111 567
SSE distribution area
+421-(0)800-159 000
VSE distribution area
+421-(0)800-123 332
Contact for media:
Corporate Communications Division
Západoslovenská energetika, a. s.
Čulenova 6
816 47 Bratislava
Bank details:
Tatra banka, a. s.
Account No.: 2624106902/1100
IBAN: SK4711000000002624106902
(not for payments of electricity / gas invoices)
Company Registration No.: 36677281
Tax ID No.: 2022249295
VAT ID No.: SK2022249295
Registered at the Companies Register of Local Court Bratislava III, Section: Sa, Insert No.: 3978/B.